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TitleTrophic Mismatch: Caribou Phenology
AbstractNear daily ratio of caribou calve to adult females at a caribou calving ground located in SW Greenland. Data Collection: Data were collected visually by a trained field observer. Data were transferred directly from field-notebook into an electronic spreadsheet and then reviewed for accuracy at a later date by comparing original datasheets with electronic version. Data Format: Data are organized by columns. Julian refers to the Julian Day of Year of observation. The remaining columns indicate the proportion of calves observed relative to the total population of observed caribou on that day for each corresponding year. This was calculated as the (daily number of calves)/(daily number of calves + daily number of adult females). -999 = No data
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Post, E.
Penn State Department of Biology
Kerby, J.
Penn State Department of Biology
Wilmers, C.
University of California

Data Access
Excel Spreadsheet