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TitleINFLUX suburban carbon dioxide flux tower data
Date1/1/20 – 6/17/20
AbstractThis dataset is eddy covariance data from a suburban flux tower (Tower 7) in the Indianapolis Flux (INFLUX) tower network in Indianapolis, Indiana. Tower 7 is a communications tower with eddy covariance instrumentation deployed at 41m above ground level (AGL). The location of the tower is between a highway to the east (I-465) and a suburban forest (canopy height 15 m) and neighborhood to the west. The local climate is humid subtropical, mild with no dry season and a hot summer. The instrument uses an open path CO2/H2O flux sensor, model LI7500A (Licor, Inc.) and a sonic anemometer at pointing angle 90° (Gill Instruments Limited, WindMaster 3D). Real time calculations of half-hourly fluxes were made with Smart Flux 3 and Eddy Pro software (Licor, Inc.). This dataset has not undergone any quality filters other than automatic error checks by the Eddy Pro Software. The tower was originally placed to measure emissions from the forest, but this dataset containing measurements from the first half of 2020 was used to observe changes in activity in all directions before and during the COVID-19 induced lockdowns in Indianapolis. The goal of this analysis was to see how the lockdowns affected emissions from human activity and test the tower’s ability to measure such changes.
MetadataClick here for full metadata
Data DOIdoi:10.26208/2YQZ-5S85

Vogel, E.
Johns Hopkins University, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences
Richardson, S. J.
Penn State Department of Meteorology
Miles, N. L.
Penn State Department of Meteorology
Davis, K. J.
Penn State Department of Meteorology

Data Access

Davis KJ, Deng A, Lauvaux T, Miles NL, Richardson SJ, Sarmiento DP, Gurney KR, Hardesty RM, Bonin TA, Brewer WA, Lamb BK, Shepson PB, Harvey RM, Cambaliza MO, Sweeney C, Turnbull JC, Whetstone J, Karion A. (2017). The Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX): A test-bed for developing urban greenhouse gas emission measurements. Elem. Sci. Anth. Vol. 5, No. 21.
Richardson SJ, Miles NL, Davis KJ, Lauvaux T, Martins DK, Turnbull JC, McKain K, Sweeney C, Cambaliza MOL. (2017). Tower measurement network of in-situ CO2, CH4, and CO in support of the Indianapolis FLUX (INFLUX) experiment. Elem Sci Anth. Vol. 5, No. 59.
Wu K, Davis KJ, Miles NL, Richardson SJ, Lauvaux T, Sarmiento DP, Balashov NV, Keller K, Turnbull J, Gurney KR, Liang J, Roest G. (2022). Source decomposition of eddy-covariance CO2 flux measurements for evaluating a high-resolution urban CO2 emissions inventory, Environ. Res. Lett. Vol. 17, No. 7.