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TitleCecil County - Chesapeake Bay Critical Area
AbstractIn 1984, the General Assembly enacted the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Act to regulate development, manage land use and conserve natural resources on land in those areas designated as Critical Area. For this document, the Critical Area is all land and water areas within 1000 feet of the tidal waters' edge or from the landward edge of adjacent tidal wetlands and the lands under them. Georeferenced digital data files of the critical Area have been produced for Baltimore City and the 16 Maryland counties with land located within the Critical Area. The digital maps produced for each jurisdiction are polygons depicting the Critical Area and the land use classifications recognized by the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Commission (CBCAC). Each jurisdiction is a separate file. The data were produced from hard copy parcel maps originally submitted by the counties as part of the requirements for developing their Critical Area Program.
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GIS (Shapefile)