These directories contain the input and output data related to the two-sided Partial Radiative Perturbation (PRP) decomposition in the time domain described in Clark et al. (2021). Results of the forward PRP calculations are contained in /RRTM_OUTPUT/PRP_FORWARD/~variable~/ Results of the backward PRP calculations are contained in /RRTM_OUTPUT/PRP_BACKWARD/~variable~/ where ~variable~ refers to either "TOTAL", "TEMP", "H2O", "CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "CFC11", or "CFC12". (Note that the "TOTAL" results are contained only in the PRP_FORWARD directory.) Both backward and forward files are stored for the years from 1984 through 2017, with each year in a different file indicated by the four-digit number YYYY. Each file contains surface downwelling longwave irradiance and top-of-atmosphere (TOA) upwelling longwave irradiance computations. We provide the TOA upwelling longwave irradiance computations for completeness, and they were not examined in Clark et al. (2021). In Clark et al. (2021), the PRP calculations were for the surface, and there are no TOA PRP calculations that would examine the impact of skin temperatures on TOA Irradiance. The TEMP PRP calculations of Clark et al. (2021) examined air temperatures only. The directory PRP_FORWARD/TOTAL contains results of the full surface downwelling longwave irradiance (SDLI): RRTMG(T,H2O,CO2,CH4,N2O,CFC-11,CFC-12), where each RRTMG input is what was observed and contains all of the variability therein. The directory PRP_FORWARD/TEMP contains results of the forward PRP calculations for temperature: RRTMG(T_bar,H2O,CO2,CH4,N2O,CFC-11,CFC-12), where each RRTMG input is what was observed, EXCEPT for temperature which is fixed to its seasonal cycle. The directory PRP_BACKWARD/TEMP contains results of the backward PRP calculations for temperature: RRTMG(T,H2O_bar,CO2_bar,CH4_bar,N2O_bar,CFC-11_bar,CFC-12_bar), for which ONLY temperature is what is observed and everything else is fixed to a seasonal cycle. The other files in the PRP_FORWARD and PRP_BACKWARD directories contain analogous results to TEMP but for the other variables. The directory RRTM_INPUT contains the files input into the RRTM calculations: - The seasonal cycles that we used for each input. NOAA gases can be located following the links included in the Acknowledgements section of Clark et al. (2021). ERA-Interim provides the remaining inputs required to run RRTMG globally as was done in Clark et al. (2021). If your aim is to run RRTMG with ERA-Interim data, you will need to calculate the pressures following Berrisford et al. (2011) on both full and half-levels. Using the pressures on both full and half-levels, you will also need to interpolate the ERA-I data to half-levels, as RRTMG expects both half and full level inputs for several variables. TIPS FOR EXAMINING THE DATA: To get the contributions to the SDLI anomalies by temperature, for example, using the forward PRP as in Clark et al. (2021), compute the difference PRP_FORWARD/TEMP/ - CLIMATOLOGY where CLIMATOLOGY is defined as the seasonal cycle. A script for doing so would look something like this: (preallocate TEMP_PRP_FORWARD as [NYEARS,NHOURS,NLAT,NLON]) do yr = 1984,2017 TEMP_PRP_FORWARD(yr - 1984,:,:,:) = (retrieve data from "/PRP_FORWARD/TEMP." + yr + ".nc") end do CLIMATOLOGY = (average year dimension of TEMP_PRP_FORWARD; smoothing the NHOUR dimension is optional) do yr = 1984,2017 # compute PRP TEMP_PRP_FORWARD(yr,:,:,:) = TEMP_PRP_FORWARD(yr - 1984,:,:,:) - CLIMATOLOGY end do Some studies define the climatology as radiative transfer outputs computed with climatological inputs. We used the climatology from the corresponding PRP calculations. To get the contribution to SDLI anomalies by temperature, for example, using the backward PRP as in Clark et al. (2021), compute the difference TOTAL/ - PRP_BACKWARD/TEMP/ - CLIMATOLOGY A script for doing so would be something like this: (preallocate TEMP_PRP_BACKWARD as [NYEARS,NHOURS,NLAT,NLON]) do yr = 1984,2017 TEMP = (retrieve data from "/PRP_BACKWARD/TEMP." + yr + ".nc") TOTAL = (retrieve data from "/PRP_FORWARD/TOTAL." + yr + ".nc") TEMP_PRP_BACKWARD(yr - 1984,:,:,:) = TOTAL - TEMP end do CLIMATOLOGY = (average year dimension of TEMP_PRP_BACKWARD; smoothing the NHOUR dimension is optional) do yr = 1984,2017 # compute PRP TEMP_PRP_BACKWARD(yr,:,:,:) = TEMP_PRP_BACKWARD(yr - 1984,:,:,:) - CLIMATOLOGY end do To get the contribution to SDLI anomalies by temperature, for example, using the two-sided PRP as in Clark et al. (2021), compute TEMP_PRP_TWOSIDED = (TEMP_PRP_FORWARD + TEMP_PRP_BACKWARD) / 2.0 Clark et al. (2021) averaged these results at a monthly timescale, but maintaining 6-hourly variability is possible. For inquiries, please contact Joseph P. Clark References: Berrisford, P., Dee, D., Fielding, K., Fuentes, M., Kallberg, P., Kobayashi, S., & Uppala, S. (2009). The ERA Interim archive: Version 1.0. ERA Report Series, 1, 1-16. Clark, J.P., E.E. Clothiaux, S.B. Feldstein, and S. Lee 2021: Drivers of Clear Sky Global Surface Downwelling Longwave Irradiance Trends from 1984 through 2017. Geophys. Res. Lett.