The following is metadata information for an archive of model output from an ice-sheet/Earth/sea level numerical model, associated with the paper: Pollard, D., N. Gomez, R.M. DeConto and H.K. Han. 2018. Estimating modern elevations of Pliocene shorelines using a coupled ice sheet-Earth-sea level model. J. Geophys. Res.-Earth Surface, in review. The files and directories in the archive are: README_PGDH2018.txt ------------------- This file. Ensdeni (subdirectory) ---------------------- Contains output for simulation #1 in the paper, from 40,000 years BP (40 ka) to the present(0 ka) with past climate forcing, and extended for an additional 15,000 years with perpetual modern climate forcing. fort.22: ascii tabular file, with column 1 = years, -40,000 yr before present to +15000 yr. column 16 = total ice volume (cubic km). column 28 = equivalent global mean sea-level rise, from start of run (m). Netcdf format file, with snapshots of selected model variables at intervals through the run. The main variables are: alatd, alond latitudes and longitudes at grid centers. h ice thickness. hs surface elevation (ice, land, or ocean). hb bedrock elevation. utop, vtop surface ice velocities (in x,y directions of the polar stereographic grid). maskwater 0 if grounded ice or land, 1 if floating ice or/ocean. alatd, alond grid cell-center latitude, longitude, for the polar stereographic grid. time = years BP (negative) or AP (positive). tgrid.200: ascii file with bedrock elevations (m) from the Earth-sea level model, at modern (0 ka). 512 lines correspond to latitudes, and 1024 values on each line correspond to longitudes. tgrid.275: same at year +15,000. iceload.200,275: same for ice load (m of grounded ice). make_O1_C.7_B-5_E1: makefile for the ice-sheet model for this run. restart_40000_deng: restart input file for the ice-sheet model at 40 ka. predicted_present_topo_deng: initial bedrock topography, Earth model,at 40 ka. Ensdenj (subdirectory) ---------------------- Contains output for simulation #2 in the paper, with warm mid-Pliocene climate forcing, from 0 to 10,000 years. fort.22: as above. as above. tgrid.200: as above at year 10,000. iceload.200: as above at year 10,000. make_O1_C.7_B-5_E1: makefile for the ice-sheet model for this run. restart_15000p_deni: restart input file for the ice-sheet model at year 0. predicted_present_topo_deni: initial bedrock topography, Earth model, at yr 0. tar_icecode_061516.tar ---------------------- tar file with Fortran source code (*.F, *.h files) for the ice-sheet model version used in the simulations in the paper. Comments on the "-D" pre-processor options (set in the makefiles) are at the start of icectl.F.