In this directory: modified_code: copies of the WRF code that has been changed for the study. The modified code is also in the WRFV3 directories where it is called by the Fortran compiler. The comment "! JHR" appears at the end of each line of modified code. namelists: namelist files required for both the pre-processing (WPS) and main WRF model simulations (WRFV3). start_data: files containing the initial and boundary conditions necessary to run all WRF simulations. WPS: code for running WRF pre-processing, i.e., to generate the files located in directory start_data. WRFV3: the code to run the Control simulations and tests with cloud-radiation forcing removed ("NOCRF-*h"). WRFV3_IRCRF_maria: identical to "WRFV3" except the code in phys/module_ra_rrtm.F is modified to impose cloud-radiation forcing as a function of radius, given hourly TC location specified therein based on the hourly TC location from the Control simulation for Maria (this code directory is therefore only valid specifically for this experiment).