DATA FOR: “Formation of Arctic stratocumuli through atmospheric radiative cooling” AUTHORS: Lucien F. Simpfendoerfer, Johannes Verlinde, Jerry Y. Harrington, Matthew D. Shupe, Yao-Sheng Chen, Eugene E. Clothiaux, and Jean-Christophe Golaz. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Lucien F. Simpfendoerfer. Email: Alternate email: THIS DOCUMENT SERVES AS A GUIDE TO THE DATA IN THE ABOVE PAPER. ============================================================================ DATA USED IN SECTION 2: "CLEAR-SKY COOLING PROCESS" All data are stored in the directory: './RRTM_calc'. Output from RRTM radiative transfer calculations applied to a sounding launched on YYYY/MM/DD at hh:mm:ss is stored in a file with the name: radcool_csSounding_YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_ss.mat. Inside the file, you'll find a Matlab structure 'sim' with the following fields: * LaunchTime: Time at which the radiosonde was launched (Matlab datum) * ic: Irrelevant. * dt_m: Time step for the iterative radiative transfer calculations, in minutes. * dt_dnum: Time step in Matlab datenum. * dz_lw: Vertical resolution of LW calculations below 5000 m. * dz_lw: Vertical resolution of SW calculations below 5000 m. * z_sw, z_lw: vertical grid on which SW and LW radiative transfer calculations are performed. * p: Pressure profile at each time step (including the step after saturation occurs). * T: Temperature profile at each time step (including the step after saturation occurs). * rh: Relative humidity profile at each time step (including the step after saturation occurs). * hr_lw: LW heating rate profile at each time step (excluding the step after saturation occurs). * hr_sw: SW heating rate profile at each time step (excluding the step after saturation occurs). * lwfu, lwfd, swfu, swfd: profiles of upward/downward LW/SW fluxes at each time step (excluding the step after saturation occurs). * swfd_dir, swfd_diff: profiles of direct and diffuse SW fluxes at each time step (excluding the step after saturation occurs). * ind_z_sat: index in z_lw at which saturation first occurs. * z_sat: height (in meters) at which saturation first occurs. * time_sat: datenum corresponding to the start of the iteration following the iteration in which saturation first occurs. ============================================================================ DATA USED IN SECTION 3: "CLOUD FORMATION PROCESS" General structure of the data: * Output from all simulations are stored in directories like this: './setXX/ NNNN', where XX identifies the set of simulations, and NNNN denotes the simulation number (also the name of the subdirectory in which the output is stored). * In each directory, './setXX', you will find a file called 'setXX_sounds.mat', which contains a Matlab structure (called 'idealSound') that holds information used to initialize all simulations in that set. Relevant fields in idealSound: * soundNum: number of simulation, same as 'XXXX' subdirectory in which simulation output is stored. * dTdz: average dT/dz between 500 m and 1500 m. * iceConc: N_ice. * wSubs: w_mean. * z: heights used in initial sounding. * p: pressure profile. * T: temperature profile. * rv: vapor mixing ratio profile. * rt: total mixing ratio profile. * u: E-W wind velocity. * v: N-S wind velocity. * ug: geostrophic u. * vg: geostrophic v. * Ncld: N_cld. * sza: SZA. * units: contains units for the fields above. These structures can be used to identify relevant simulations. You can identify the subdirectory that corresponds to a given simulation using the Matlab 'find' function, and then by applying sprintf('%04i',X) to the result. Baseline Simulation: Found in directory: './set07/0001'. The Baseline simulation is the simulation in setO7 for which RHabv = 0.85, RHbel = 0.75, and dTdz = 0. SensMoisture: All simulations in setO5 in which idealSound.Ncld = 1e8. Can identify list of simulation numbers using the Matlab command: find(idealSound.Ncld == 1e8). SensSZA80: All simulations in setO6 with SZA = 80. Identify with: find(idealSound.sza == 80). SensSZA70: All simulations in setO6 with SZA = 70. Identify with: find(idealSound.sza == 70). SensLoStability: All simulations in setO11 in which dTdz = -4. Identify list of simulation numbers using the Matlab command: find(idealSound.dTdz == -4) SensHiStability: All simulations in setO11 in which dTdz = 4. Identify list of simulation numbers using the Matlab command: find(idealSound.dTdz == 4). Sensitivity to N_ice: All simulations in setO12. Sensitivity to N_cld: All simulations in setO5. Sensitivity to w_mean: All simulations in setO4. Inside each simulation subdirectory, you'll find several important files: * rfmt_flx.mat: Contains a Matlab structure that holds profiles of several important fluxes (output every two minutes). * rfmt_mic.mat: Contains a that holds profiles of several important microphysical quantities (output every two minutes). * rfmt_prf.mat: Contains a structure that holds profiles of several important thermodynamic quantities (output every two minutes). * rfmt_tke.mat: Contains a structure that holds profiles of TKE and TKE budget terms (output every two minutes). * pproc.mat: Contains a structure that holds time series/profiles of many derived quantities. * The other files aren't important to the study's results.