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TitleShale Network – Mercer County Groundwater as of August 2018
AbstractThis data set is a subset of the Shale Network database ( and has been discussed in the following publication “Wen, T., Agarwal, A., Xue, L., Chen, A., Herman, A., Li, Z., Brantley, S., 2018. Assessing Changes in Groundwater Chemistry in Landscapes with More than 100 Years of Oil and Gas Development. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts.”. The Shale Network ( is a project funded by the National Science Foundation to help scientists and citizens store data for water resources that may be affected by gas exploitation in shale in the U.S.A. Our primary focus currently is the northeastern U.S.A. We want to enable the generation of knowledge from water chemistry and flow data collected in areas of extraction of natural gas. The Shale Network is working with the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences, Inc. (CUAHSI) to create this database ( Our goal is to find, organize, and upload data for water resources for online publication with attribution. The Shale Network is seeking organizations engaged in water quality monitoring or research to join our effort. Please contact us if you wish to learn more about becoming part of the Shale Network.
MetadataClick here for full metadata
Data DOIdoi:10.18113/D3967X

Wen, T.
Penn State Earth and Environmental Systems Institute
Gonzales, M.
Penn State Earth and Environmental Systems Institute
Niu, X.
Penn State Earth and Environmental Systems Institute
Herman, A.
Penn State Earth and Environmental Systems Institute
Guarnieri, M.
Penn State Department of Geosciences
Li, Z.
Penn State College of Information Sciences and Technology
Brantley, S. L.
Penn State Earth and Environmental Systems Institute

Data Access

Funding Source
Funding was derived from grants to S.L.B. and Z.L. from the National Science Foundation (IIS-16- 39150) and US Geological Survey (104b award G16AP00079) through the Pennsylvania Water Resource Research Center.

To cite this dataset please cite these references: 1) Brantley, S.L., 2018. Shale Network Database, Consortium for Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences, Inc. (CUAHSI), 2) Wen, T., Niu, X., Gonzales, M., Zheng, G., Li, Z., Brantley, S.L., 2018. Big Groundwater Data Sets Reveal Possible Rare Contamination Amid Otherwise Improved Water Quality for Some Analytes in a Region of Marcellus Shale Development. Environ. Sci. Technol. 52 (12), 7149–7159. 3) Wen, T., Gonzales, M., Niu, X., Herman, A., Guarnieri, M., Li, Z., Brantley, S.L., 2018. Shale Network – Mercer County Groundwater as of August 2018, Data Commons, Penn State University.