Penn State
Penn State Data Commons


New Data

 Supplementary data, code, and information for ‘Multidecadal climate oscillations during the past millennium driven by volcanic forcing’ (Science, Mann et al. 2021)
Comparing control and forced “last millennium” simulations, we show that these apparent multidecadal oscillations are an artifact of pulses of volcanic activity during the pre-industrial era that project significantly onto the multidecadal (50-70 year) frequency band. We conclude that there is no compelling evidence for internal multidecadal oscillations in the climate system.

New Data

A Wave-Relative Framework Analysis of AEW–MCS Interactions Leading to Tropical Cyclogenesis (Monthly Weather Review, Núñez Ocasio et al. 2020) An African easterly wave and associated MCSs dataset has been created and used to evaluate the propagation of MCSs, AEWs, and especially, the propagation of MCSs relative to the AEW they are associated with (i.e., wave-relative framework). The thermodynamic characteristics of AEW-MCS systems are also analyzed. The analysis is done for both AEW-MCS systems that develop into at least a tropical depression and those that do not to quantify significant differences between waves that undergo tropical cyclogenesis (DAEW) and those that do not (NDAEW).

New Data

Estimating the sensitivity of regional dust sources to sea surface temperature patterns
This data from the Department of Meteorology focuses explicitly on the influence of SST anomalies on dust emissions and attempts to explain the mechanisms by which SST anomalies affect seasonal dust emissions.

New Data Validity of *ONET Work Importance Profile for Spanish speaking populations
Data represents the test results for the web version of *ONET Work Importance Profile for Spanish speaking populations. High school and college students from Guatemala took the test in the presence of a career development professional. This test uses the same database from *ONET Career Exploration Tools from the US Department of Labor.
New Data Oak Forest Regeneration Study in Pennsylvania (ORSPA)
In this long-term project funded by the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry, Dr. Kim Steiner, Dr. Jim Finley, and Dr. E. Zenner of Penn State's Department of Ecosystems Science Management are following the regeneration process in over 50 mixed-oak forest stands.
New Data

Trophic Mismatch: Caribou Phenology. This data from Dr. Eric Post, Department of Biology, records the near daily ratio of caribou calve to adult females at a caribou calving ground located in SW Greenland. Data include the proportion of calves observed relative to the total population of observed caribou on that day for each corresponding year.

New Data

Pocono Birds: Presence and Proportion on Lakes
This dataset by Dr. Rob Brooks, PSU Riparia, is based on a pilot study in 1991 to test a method for sampling avian communities on a series of lakes in northeastern Pennsylvania and to determine whether differences between undisturbed and disturbed sites could be detected from a census period consisting of two surveys taken during the breeding season.

New Data

Air Quality and Awareness of Ground-level Ozone in the Delaware Valley
This report by Dr. Al Luloff and Dr. Mark Brennan, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, summarize a study undertaken by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission on concern about air pollution and awareness of ozone-related issues among residents of the Phila-Wilmington-Trenton metro area.